Jairmayah: Jeremiah Morin
November 21st, 2013 - 11 years ago (269 logins)Last Login10 years ago
I've been wearing Oakley sunglass eyewear since 2009 when I got contact lenses and was actually able to wear sunglasses for once. I now have a single wide Oakley display case with 10 pairs in the case (unworn) and 3 pairs that I wear regularly. I love Oakleys.






May 6, 2014 11:12 PM
In the video, the guy talks about the cerakote ultrablend and how they are hand painted and only 1000 made. He said they would come out April 1st so I'm wondering are they just sold out already or have they not made it to the site yet? I would really like to get my hands on a pair if anyone has any additional info it would be appreciated. Thanks.
May 6, 2014 5:13 PM
Looks like the TDF Eyeshades are on the site today but STILL no Fallout :(

May 2, 2014 8:02 PM
What would be the asking price with a trade of a NIB pair of Ferrari Carbon Blades? Also, what's the condition on the glasses? Are they all new with original boxes? Thanks.
Apr 30, 2014 8:25 PM
Looks legit to me.
Apr 2, 2014 4:12 AM
Just ordered the Ferrari Carbon Blade. Can't wait to check it out! I am all about lightweight sunglasses.
Mar 28, 2014 6:07 PM
"worldwide exclusive collectors box" but they don't ship outside the EU. Lovely.
Mar 17, 2014 9:57 PM
I gotcha. It's just like I'll watch youtube videos and some people will leave negative comments because they are too quick to judge without knowing all the facts. But then, there are a lot of children that watch youtube. If he's done this before then I'm guessing someone has reported him already?
Mar 17, 2014 7:25 PM
Well obviously, yeah. Isn't that what a prototype is? Not the final project? I'm just saying I've done ebay for years and have never seen anyone with as much feedback as this seller have any reason to sell a "fake".
Mar 17, 2014 4:35 PM
I mean, can someone prove that it's NOT a prototype? It makes sense to me that Oakley would give sales reps a prototype pair instead of an authentic pair to go around getting beat up. I dunno.
Mar 17, 2014 4:33 PM
It clearly states more than once that they are prototypes so I don't see the problem to be honest. Especially with all that feedback. Maybe I'm missing something.
Feb 27, 2014 7:03 PM
Gotcha. Thanks for the help Dann.
Feb 27, 2014 5:42 PM
Could someone help me with this? I bought a single wide aluminum Oakley case with 5 shelves a few months ago off ebay but the top lighting fixture was missing. I see someone selling the top piece on ebay without the lighting http://www.ebay.com/itm/Oakley-Display-Case-Sundial-Lighting-Single-Mega-Tower-/251461803749?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a8c4a9ee5) So my question is how is the lighting supposed to be set up? Does it take special bulbs? Could someone possibly upload a few pictures of what the lighting fixture is actually supposed to look like all set up? I would really appreciate it. I would just love to have the complete set up for my case with the authentic Oakley lighting. Thanks.
Feb 4, 2014 8:00 PM
Wow, that Troy Lee goggle looks real slick! Might have to get me one of those.
Jan 20, 2014 5:27 PM
Gotcha. I would love to have a pair of those to add to the collection! Looks like it will be nearly impossible to get a pair though :( Bummer.
Jan 20, 2014 2:45 PM
Dang, are the Dr. Peppers no longer available? Or just not available yet?
Jan 16, 2014 6:18 PM
Where does it say there is a lifetime lens replacement on the C-six? I'm not seeing anything on Oakleys website or even on google stating anything about the lens warranty.
Dec 6, 2013 12:50 AM
What would you be willing to sell them for?
Nov 29, 2013 4:20 PM
Dang, so everyone was saying Oakley.com wasn't gonna have the grips when they do. I mean, I check o.com every day anyway but I am especially glad I did today so I could get a pair. So happy right now!
Nov 21, 2013 6:36 PM
Definitely looking forward to what they come up with!
Nov 21, 2013 6:35 PM
Dang. That really does suck though, I would love to have a pair of the grips. I normally get my Oakleys at a discounted rate but I would be more than happy to pay retail just for the grips. Wish they could have done something like the first 1,000 customer purchases online or something like that. I love your video reviews by the way dann. Wish you could do more but I know you're busy.
Nov 21, 2013 6:22 PM
Are the grips available O-stores only or will they be available with an online purchase as well? The closest O-store is 3 hours away from me :(
Nov 21, 2013 6:21 PM
I've been wearing Oakley sunglass eyewear since 2009 when I got contact lenses and was actually able to wear sunglasses for once. I now have a single wide Oakley display case with 10 pairs in the case (unworn) and 3 pairs that I wear regularly. I love Oakleys.
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