akchud: MR CHUD
November 21st, 2013 - 11 years ago (18 logins)Last Login10 years ago
Feb 11, 2014 6:14 AM
OK, so I have the sample Flight Decks and they are bad ass! The look is super clean, they fit really good and YES it's a lot easier to change the Lens then you'd think. Give them a chance and get your hands on pair (if you can) before you judge. These with a Prizm lens are going to be the top goggle for Oakley next year.
Jan 9, 2014 7:01 AM
There is a lot of really good Frames in the works, look for 5 new mens styles on Feb 1st
Dec 17, 2013 5:15 AM
It's called the "ENDURO" and it is nothing like the GR. It's way lighter, thinner and smaller and has a kick ass fit and feel.
Dec 9, 2013 7:51 AM
@ TB1, The carbon blades that i've seen are all carbon, super light weight and look amazing. As far a the R2 R3 thing. Oakley does three releases a year in both RX and Sun. The Ferrari release will be in the summer.
Dec 9, 2013 7:45 AM
Akchud, you don't have pics of them...this sounds like it will be good. Or could you elaborate on the collection? I know you may not be allowed too. What do you mean by R2, R3? Thanks. - TB1

Nov 27, 2013 5:22 AM
I've had a chance to check this whole collection and it's looking really good. Lots of Carbon Fiber as you'd imagine. It's going to be a R2 and R3 release so April you'll be able to buy it.
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