Ryan Arbabi
May 3, 2005 1:37 AM
Hey guys, everyone check all the romeo 2's you have access to and see weather the left lens (your left as you are wearing them) and see weather the bit of the lens nearest the arm is cut sortof wrong. of the non-polarised romeo 2's i currently have in my shop, all of them have a small kink in the lens. sorry this is a bad discription and i don't have a picture but if you see it you will know exactly what i mean.

What do you guys think?

adam _
May 3, 2005 1:51 AM
One of my flex couplers is siezed up I noticed today but the lenses look OK to me. I'll take a closer look for you tomorrow Ryan.
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
May 3, 2005 4:02 AM
My guy told me those little tabs (can't think of a better word to describe them) were to hold the lens as it was being mounted. I wasn't really listening close, but he made a specific point of explaining them to me. I was too eager to buy them to listen to his speel.
charles darragh
May 3, 2005 3:18 AM
i dont notice that on either one of my pairs...and i have 2.
O Matters
May 3, 2005 7:37 PM
Funny you should say this. YES, there is a problem with mainly the Plasma model. The lense is cut wrong. I have seen this with most of this model, at over 4 different locations. Oakley told me they were "re-tooling" it. Im still surprised to find these out there for sale to the public. By the way, I thnk I started a blog about this awhile back , when I was getting mine from Oakley.
Mike Bahr
May 3, 2005 7:44 PM
I did have a fused Flex Coupler. the Glasses were fully replaced. the lenses are 100%

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