Alexandre Bellenger
Sep 12, 2013 6:17 PM
Arf, I had that brochure back in the days but lost track of it. Would really love to get one again someday.

Dann Thombs
Sep 20, 2013 8:00 PM
Here's another interesting one. Rust was listed side-by-side with Persimmon for a while, so they are definitely not the same, even from a generational difference angle. Yet here's a SKU that lists Persimmon, but I have it as Rust from whatever list I pulled the originals from.

James Hounslow
Sep 21, 2013 8:32 AM
Ah yes, I remember now. One was certainly darker than the other
Dann Thombs
Sep 21, 2013 12:30 PM
The date on the box was 1992 so perhaps persimmon took over the skus
Adrian Jimenez
Sep 21, 2013 7:28 PM
Do VR28 lenses exist in Gen1 form without the etching? I initially for sure thought that they did (and for some reason thought I've seen one), but now that I'm really searching for one, I've only seen them in Gen2 form with the etching.

Dann, is there anything that shows the year VR28 was introduced in general by Oakley?
Dann Thombs
Sep 22, 2013 1:18 AM
Im fairly certain the vermilion lens series was an early 2000s era thing. Im on mobile right now but go to the color way filter page and see what the earliest model to have it is
Adrian Jimenez
Sep 22, 2013 5:33 AM
Seems like the other early appearances are on the E-Wire Gen 1, Square Wire Gen 1, and the Eye Jacket Gen1. All models that started 93-94ish and go up to the late 90s. Hmmmm, maybe, I guess I just got to do some more digging.
Dann Thombs
Sep 24, 2013 12:27 AM
If you look at those SKUs, the VR28 ones are in the 05-55# range, while the other entries are earlier in the 05-50# area. I'd bet those were later releases pushing them into the late 90's. I'd safely say the any M lens would be a gen 2, either in the gen 2 frame era or the 'New' line.
Adrian Jimenez
Sep 25, 2013 1:19 AM
Yea, for some reason I thought VR28 existed, but probably because I wasn't really paying attention before because I never thought I'd be looking for that lens. I probably was looking at persimmon and the darker rust or probably looking at VR28 but not even paying attention to the OAKELY print.

So that would mean non-iridium Gen1 lenses would be clear, persimmon, rust, yellow and grey.
James Hounslow
Oct 14, 2013 5:10 PM
Going to have some of my own questions coming up. I don't fancy reading every post on this thread though!

Can someone note a definitive list of every Mumbo/Gen 1 M-Frame frame colour please?

I've had a look at the data base and even more confused now?!

There are crystal frames listed but no crystal red (is this listed as 'red' or was there a non crystal red frame?) there are also colours listed (with no picture to verify) that I could've sworn were Gen 2 (O logo) onwards?
.Greg .F
Oct 14, 2013 5:33 PM
You should take the time and read the whole thread, it is worth the effort.

The Mumbo was released first, then the gen I M frame, then the Gen II.

Also read this http://www.o-review.com/forum_detail.php?ID=11931

The Mumbos were only released in 3 frame colors and one lens color. Crystal red along with the other crystal frames ( blue, clear & black) are all Gen I releases. Most of your questions have been answered in this thread.
Robert Lake
Oct 15, 2013 2:23 PM
what I think is a complete list:

MUMBO Gen 1 ("Oakley" on stem, "MUMBO" on box in yellow):
neon yellow

MUMBO Gen 2 ("Oakley" on stem, "Mumbo MFrame..." on box in white or black corrugated box ?):
crystal blue
crystal red
crystal black
crystal clear
splatter pink
splatter grey
splatter purple
splatter green (or blue)
carbon fiber
Black rain
gold mine

MFrame Gen ? ("O" logo on stem)

hope this helps...
James Hounslow
Oct 14, 2013 11:41 PM
Thanks Robert. Cobalt and gold mine are the colours troubling me, I don't think I've ever seen them with 'Oakley' logos on the arms only 'O'

Regarding the 'Red' in the database, we need to get that amended to 'crystal red'
Dann Thombs
Oct 15, 2013 12:02 AM
The db is a disaster when it comes to old M Frames. I gave Jim all my old catalogs at red in hopes that he could help me out but havent heard back yet.
.Greg .F
Oct 15, 2013 12:44 AM
The catalogs hosted here will help a lot as well. Depending on what you call them the splatters and crystal frames were all Gen I M frame releases. I dont believe the cobalt or gold mine came along until the second gen.
Adrian Jimenez
Oct 15, 2013 12:50 AM
I'd add Black Rain to the list of normal production release frames with "OAKLEY" on the stems.
Robert Lake
Oct 15, 2013 2:01 AM
All the colors I listed above have "Oakley" written on the stems...I am looking at all of them except white and blue/green spatter... :)

I guess I am calling Mumbo everything with "Oakley" written on the stems,

Boxes with Yellow "Mumbo" Gen 1

Mumbo M frame boxes Gen 2

Edit: I stand corrected and updated my list, cobalt has "O" logo on stem

Adrian JimenezI'd add Black Rain to the list of normal production release frames with "OAKLEY" on the stems.
Dann Thombs
Oct 15, 2013 1:41 AM
Prints arrived in 1993 but in time for the last leg on gen 1.
.Greg .F
Oct 15, 2013 2:11 AM
All the colors I listed above have "Oakley" written on the stems...I am looking at all of them except white and blue/green spatter... :)

I guess I am calling Mumbo everything with "Oakley" written on the stems,

Boxes with Yellow "Mumbo" Gen 1

Mumbo M frame boxes Gen 2

- rhlake

That's the difference, I call the first release Mumbos, the name change is the second release as M frame Gen I and M frame Gen II has the elliptical logo.
Dann Thombs
Oct 15, 2013 2:26 AM
paul jewiss
Oct 15, 2013 8:24 AM
I had a cobalt gen 1 until 3 years ago
Not seen another since so maybe it was a cross gen
James Hounslow
Oct 15, 2013 9:49 AM
Could you post pix of your cobalt & gold mine gen 1's please? (Not only for my benefit, they can go on database too)

Now, what about Algae? That's listed as a gen1 too
Robert Lake
Oct 15, 2013 2:25 PM
Could you post pix of your cobalt & gold mine gen 1's please? (Not only for my benefit, they can go on database too)

Now, what about Algae? That's listed as a gen1 too - hounsthe2nd

I corrected my list and removed cobalt from Gen 1 list...I had that and the black rain mixed up.

I have only seen algae (green) in Gen 2 with the "O" logo...fwiw

UPDATED list above...
paul jewiss
Oct 15, 2013 7:14 PM
James don't have the pic as I sold the pair
James Hounslow
Oct 19, 2013 3:20 PM
Just noticed something with my 2 generations of Hybrid. White Mumbo has original Hybrid however the black Rain has a gen 2 hybrid, but, no etching?? I thought all gen 2 had etching?


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